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Like I said, in my eyes it was a good goal. It was not exactly the best explanation, but given the circumstances, it is just about all you can explain. It is his puck then to shoot and score albeit a foot may or may not be in the crease prior to."

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The rebound off the goalie does not change anything. "Hull had possession and control of the puck. "A puck that rebounds off the goalie, the goal post or an opposing player is not deemed to be a change of possession, and therefore Hull would be deemed to be in possession or control of the puck, allowed to shoot and score a goal even though the one foot would be in the crease in advance of the puck." The problem was, they had strictly enforced this new rule all season long, including overturning similarly scored goals like Hull's. In my opinion, the NHL got the call on Hull's goal correct.

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